Fall 2025


PeaceXchange is Seeking a Research Assistant
Subject Area:  Middle East Peace
All levels will be considered
Apply via Handshake:  https://ucdenver.joinhandshake.com/edu/jobs/9135033
Or contact us at:  peaceX@ucdenver.edu
The CELL Event


PeaceXchange is Seeking Volunteers - Fall 2024!
Inquire @ peaceX@ucdenver.edu

Past Events - View here



What We Do

From awareness to action, PeaceXchange aims to assist you in becoming a global citizen. This is an individual whose everyday social and political understanding meaningfully extends outside the borders of their given country without losing sight of local enterprise. Our website offers a multi-dimensional platform with access to objective conflict reports, unique insight into conflict resolution strategies, as well as job and scholarship opportunities in the field of peacebuilding. We welcome you to join the conversation by attending our informative events and by becoming a contributing member of the PeaceXchange community.

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